I have, very casually, maintained this blog since somewhere around high school. Twenty odd years. And in that time, it has transformed considerably. It started as a journal where I recorded thoughts that were not worth keeping. Later, it became a record of broad creative and personal projects that went nowhere. Some of which were mirrored on my now long dead Geocities site. In the past half decade or so, I wrote a handful of dream journal entries and shifted my focus to more fictional scribbling. Again, nothing of great consequence. I guess I like some of them. Maybe you will too. Last year, I fully transitioned to short fiction and actual play fiction (records of both mechanical and narrative playthroughs of roleplaying games). I think I'm content to leave it at that, really. I am making things at my own pace. Which is, to be clear, glacial.
So, what is this blog now?
This blog hosts my haphazard short fiction writing and a place to store records of roleplaying game experiences. I am not (currently, if ever) a serious writer. But if you're here, somehow, I hope you find something useful or fun. The categories across the navigation bar:
- About is where I'll post about this blog. These posts are also called Greymatter posts, for searching. And because that's what I called them for a long time before changing it to About (which is a more useful term).
- Snippets are scraps and fragments of fiction, little evocative ideas or throwaway writing gathered in clusters.
- Shorts are short fiction. Maybe they'll be whole short stories and maybe they'll be longer than snippets but not long enough to be considered a whole story.
- Serials are clusters of collected shorts belonging to the same narrative series.
- Sessions are actual play fiction. These'll probably usually be records of solo games.
Avatars Used:
- BFenix, 2016
- Ishnox, 2021
- Quantumsurfer, 2023
Images used for Sessions Title Card:
- Image by freepic.diller on Freepik
- Image by Parker_West from Pixabay
- Image by Julie Zimmi from Pixabay
Images used for Gemini Event Title Card:
- Image by Nicole Köhler from Pixabay
- Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash
- Photo by Srijan Mohan on Unsplash
Images used for Lowlifes Title Card:
- Photo by Levon Vardanyan on Unsplash
Images used for Spectre Vector Title Card:
- Photo by Tomáš Hustoles from Burst
- Image by Jim Cooper from Pixabay